Teamcare is an EU Project funded by the European Commission that brings together 12 partners representing education and training providers, healthcare authorities, employment and educational research, public authorities, and European networks to develop a new EU Curriculum for health and social care professionals delivering person-centered care in the community.
Teamcare seeks to train health and social care professionals in transversal, digital skills and common baseline competences, enabling them to work effectively as a team in undertaking effective multidimensional patient assessments and tailoring personalized care plans. Our curriculum will be based on an Integrated Framework of Competences and supported by guidelines to enable implementation in different countries.
The EU CBIT Curriculum will be multidisciplinary and inter-professional, based on the main EU Vocational Education and Training standards and supporting micro-credentials.
The Curriculum, and its flexibility for adoption in different countries, will be tested and validated through 4 Higher Education pilot courses implemented in Greece, Ireland, Italy and Poland.
In particular, our curriculum addresses:
Transversal and common baseline competences needed for team working, decision-making & communication in the healthcare sector.
Digital skills, including those for the adoption of digital health and care solutions.
Resilience skills of health and social care professionals, including their well-being.
Skills for planning and coordinating integrated care services in a person-centered approach to health
Upon the conclusion of the project in 2026, we will make publicly available the following key deliverables, which will support the development of specialists in community-based integrated care across Europe:
An EU Curriculum for “Specialist in Community Based Interprofessional Teams (CBIT) for person-centered care”, built on an Integrated Framework of Competences and supporting micro-credentials.
Guidelines to support implementation of the curriculum in different countries.
An Integrated Platform, along with Open Contents, supporting Health and Social Care Professionals’ formal and informal learning.
Recommendations targeting policy makers in the healthcare sector and Higher Education/VET providers.
A Roadmap for the extension of the EU Curriculum to other professionals and a scaling-up strategy.
Four pilot courses addressing social and healthcare professionals implemented in Greece, Ireland, Italy and Poland.
The success of the project will be dependant on a holistic and structured approach to meet our objectives. This approach is comprised of three sequential stages, managed by the relevant expert partners in the consortium working collaboratively.
Stage 1:
Perform a contextual analysis at International level identifying existing frameworks, projects and initiatives for the training of health and social care workers involved in interprofessional teams.
Shape an Integrated Framework of Competences for “Specialist in Community Based Interprofessional Teams (CBIT) for person-centered care” with the contribution of International experts.
Design the first release of the EU Curriculum for “Specialist in CBIT for person-centered care” supporting micro-credentials and of the Guidelines for the effective adaptation of the Curriculum to different countries.
Design 4 pilot courses, based on the EU Curriculum, to be implemented 4 different EU countries.
Stage 2:
Develop a web-based open integrated platform for interprofessional training based on the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework to be used as a collaborative online environment during the pilots and after.
Develop training materials for interprofessional learning and publishing them in open access formats.
Develop guidelines and tools for designers and teachers supporting the implementation of the EU Curriculum and the interprofessional training based on the CoI framework.
Implement 4 pilot courses in 4 different EU countries testing the Curriculum efficacy and flexibility and create, support and feed Communities of Inquiry on the platform.
Stage 3:
Revise the EU Curriculum and the Guidelines based on a comprehensive evaluation process and release the final version.
Develop a Memorandum of Understanding which will set the framework for the Teamcare Curriculum credit transfer, based on micro-credentials.
Develop recommendations targeting policy makers and Higher Education/VET providers.
Develop a Roadmap for the extension of the Teamcare Curriculum to train other health and social care staff e.g., family assistant, care assistants, private carers and informal carers.
Want to find out more?
If you would like further information on the project or to join the Teamcare network, get in touch by emailing us at info@projectteamcare.eu or by filling out the contact form:
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