National Agency for Regional Health Services (AGENAS)
The Italian National Agency for Regional Healthcare Services (AGENAS) is a non- economic public body founded in 1993 supervised by the Ministry of Health, involved in TEAMCARE as Associated Partner. AGENAS acts as a technical and scientific body of the Italian National Health Service (NHS) carrying out research activities and supporting the Ministry of Health, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces.
Acting as a link between the central, regional and local level, AGENAS provides technical and operational support to Regions and healthcare organizations with regards to managerial, economic, financial aspects and efficacy of health interventions as well as patient centeredness, quality and safety of care.
Through research AGENAS also aims to further develop the role of our Healthcare Service at EU level defining and sharing guidelines and best practices on measurement, analysis, assessment and monitoring. AGENAS manages the lifelong training system for healthcare professionals supporting the Italian National Commission for lifelong training in health system (CNFC).
The law decree no. 23 of 2020 has entitled AGENAS implementing body in the enhancement action of the NHS territorial assistance network within the scope of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), in which AGENAS also plays a key role in developing the national telemedicine platform for Electronic Health Record (EHR).
Furthermore, AGENAS has been assigned the function of National Agency for Digital Health by law decree, with the aim to implement digitalisation of NHS.
Role in the project
AGENAS joined the Alliance since interested by the new Curriculum and its testing in the Ligurian pilot, due to its role of managing the lifelong training system for healthcare professionals and supporting the enhancement of the national Recovery Plan; a possible transfer of the Curriculum and pilot to other regions could be supported by the Agency.
So that, AGENAS will assure the alignment and collaboration with some important EU projects and initiatives on this theme they are involved in.