Ligurian Health Authority (A.Li.Sa.)
A.Li.Sa. is a public enterprise responsible for the regional health service in Liguria, in terms of its organization, coordination and governance. It is legally recognized by public law (Regional law of the 29th July 2016, n.17).
Starting from the regional plans, A.Li.Sa. has the role to develop and control Ligurian Health Service and to coordinate the services provided by the 5 Local Health Authorities (LHA) in the territory.
A.Li.Sa.’s mission includes the progressive improvement of the Regional Health service, in synergy with the social politics, and the integration of social-health services, with a particular attention to the territory and citizens’ needs.
In addition, A.Li.Sa. has the role to plan and define the staff training of the Regional Health service, enacting innovative patterns for healthcare workers management and shaping Local Health Authorities’ objectives.
A.Li.Sa. in involved in a number of international (eg. EU funded Joint Actions) and national projects in the health and social-health sector, relying on structural funds or direct financing, with the main aim of transferring in the regional territory innovative practices having an impact on services provision.
Role in the project
A.Li.Sa. is reorganising primary care in Liguria according to the reforms introduced by the Italian Recovery Plan, favouring a multidisciplinary approach based on CBITs. Such reforms require SHCPs upskilling and training; TEAMCARE offers the possibility to collaborate with the local University and regional LHAs to design and test a pilot which could be replicated in the future as the main path to upskill SHCPs. A.Li.Sa. will also actively contribute to the shaping of the IFC and the EU Curriculum.