Teamcare Kickoff Meeting
The European Centre of Excellence for Research hosted the Teamcare Kick Off meeting at the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, Dublin on 5th and 6th October 2023.
The meeting brought together the 12 partner organisations representing education and training providers, healthcare authorities, employment and educational research, public authorities, and a European network.
Teamcare aims to enhance the responsiveness of health and social care systems to the current societal challenges by targeting a specific existing mismatch between the skills currently characterising health and social care professionals working in multi-professional teams and those skills which are actually required by health and social care organisations to allow the shift to resilient and sustainable systems centred on community-based services, such as transversal, soft, and digital skills.
The Teamcare partners are: Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland; University of Genoa, ITD-CNU, Si4Life, ALISA from Italy; WIAB from Austria; ECTE from Crete; 7thHRC, HMU from Greece; Medical University Lodz, Lodzkie from Poland; and RSCN from Belgium.