ProMIS - Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute

ULSS 4 – ProMIS - Mattone Internazionale Salute Programme - PROMIS (ITALY). PROMIS is an institutionalized network, led by Veneto Region and involving the Ministry of Health, all the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

Since its establishment in 2011, ProMIS has been promoting opportunities of cooperation among the Italian regions about social and healthcare issues identified as main topics for a common approach jointly developed and implemented by the central, regional and local administrations.

ProMIS, moreover, promotes at national and European level, mainly in the framework of European projects and initiatives, twinnings and best practices exchanges to bring together pioneer health care authorities and with practices adapters. This scaling-up process is a consolidated scheme adopted and coordinated by ProMIS since many years for improving healthcare practices among Italian regions.

ProMIS has also a sound experience in EU projects managing and coordination; particularly, together with AGEANAS, PROMIS is part of the Technical Support Instrument – TSI Digital skills to increase quality and resilience of the health system in Italy (DG REFORM).

Role in the project

ProMIS as Associated Partner will provide feedback on crucial tasks such as the contextual analysis run in the Preliminary Phase, the shaping of the Curriculum and the design and implementation of the Italian Pilot; its experience in EU project and initiatives related to Digital Skills in Healthcare will be fundamental to integrate such results in TEAMCARE; it will play a key role for the dissemination of project at Italian level, involving all the Regions and the Ministry; its experience in twinnings and scaling-up will contribute to the “scaling up strategy”.