RCSI is a University of Medicine and Health Sciences is a private, self-financing, not-for-profit medical and surgical HE institution/VET Provider headquartered in Dublin (Ireland) with global reach through its overseas medical universities and health care centres in the Middle East, the Far East and Africa.

Since its foundation in 1784, it has played a leadership role in Irish surgical and medical education.

Currently, it operates the largest Medical School in Ireland with over 3,000 students from 60 countries. RCSI also provides undergraduate education in Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, and Nursing. In addition to Surgery, it also provides undergraduate and postgraduate training and education in many health disciplines.

The EU Centre of Excellence for Research in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) based within the Faculty involves colleagues from 20 countries and involves pan European organisational collaborators.

Role in the project

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WP1 – Project Management and Coordination, including Administrative Management, Risk Management and Conflict Resolution.

WP2 – Lead Partner for Work Package 2: Definition of an “Integrated Framework of Competences for Specialist in Community-Based Interprofessional Teams (CBITs) for person centered-care”.

The RCSI will contribute to Task 2.1. on conducting a contextual analysis focusing on:  international reports and recommendations, in the field of VET and sectoral areas (e.g., EU Recovery Plan), EU instruments and tools related to skills and occupations, such as EU Skills Panorama, Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027), etc.; recent EU projects (see previous projects Annex) and literature; existing training initiatives and curricula in the participating countries.

The RCSI will lead Task 2.2. To root the Curriculum in patient care and CSHCPs needs and in the labour market/wider society demand, an EU Integrated Framework of Competences (IFC) for “Specialist in CBIT for person centered care” will be developed as preliminary step for the Curriculum outcome. It will be based on the results of T2.1 and will be shaped on specific key-activities and related core competencies, in compliance with EQF descriptors and available ESCO profiles. The methodology for this task will be an e-Delphi study, led by the RCSI, with the support of all partners, especially those developing pilot courses.

Task 5.4. Irish pilot implementation

The Irish pilot course will be led by the HPEC (Health Professions Education Centre) team at RCSI who will recruit a lead micro-credential educator and access existing RCSI clinical education expertise as necessary. ITD-CNR will support online activities on the platform and ECTE will support the implementation of the micro-credential model developed in T3.3. Target: It will address about 20-40 SHCPs, at least EQF6 level. RCSI and the primary care teams will collaborate in the organization of the pilot by recruiting SHCPs working in multidisciplinary teams, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, allied health professionals (e.g., Physiotherapists, psychologists and social workers).