SI4LIFE scrl - Science and Enterprise to Improve the Quality of Life of Frail People

The SI4Life Scrl Consortium is a non-profit Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) established in March 2010 by 14 founding members, aimed at sharing experience and know-how, past activities and synergies in the Life Sciences area and in the specific field of assistance to frail people.

The Consortium plays the role of a regional hub supporting research and innovation in the field of quality of life of older adults and disabled people, including Ligurian excellence in the areas of:

  • Entrepreneurship and technical/industrial production capacity

  • Advanced technological/scientific know-how

  • Public and private health and rehabilitation facilities

In particular, it includes SMEs developing ICTs for health monitoring and rehabilitation, health service providers and representatives of end users. Research Institutes (University of Genova and National Council of Research) and representatives of the Regional Healthcare System (Polyclinic Hospital San Martino, Local Health Authorities1, 4 and 5) feed its scientific committee.

SI4LIFE has a big experience in the definition and management of project proposals at EU, national and regional level, especially in the Erasmus Plus Programme and SSA (see CARESS, ENhANCE, NECTAR, IN-TOUR and oMERO projects), and in the field of Instructional Design and e-learning. SI4LIFE is one of the oldest members of the EIP on AHA (since 2010) and member of Liguria Region’s Reference Site coalition.

Role in the project

SI4LIFE will coordinate the definition of the EU Curriculum for “Experts in CBIT” and related Guidelines and will oversee the pilots design, applying its significant expertise in the field.

Thanks to its deep knowledge of EU VET standards, SI4LIFE will assure the compliance of the Integrated Framework of Competences and pilots implementation with ECVET, ECTS and EQF.

SI4LIFE will also coordinate the technical development of e-learning materials and the constant updating of the project website.